The Transportation Industry

So much happened at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.  Things that we take for granted today.

With the advent of motorcycles, automobiles, one must remember that at that time, outside of the cities there were mostly poor roads, and few or no filling stations or service stations available for motorists. This had to be built which spurred the development of trucks and all types of roadbuilding equipment.

Likewise, for the airplane industry.  The transportation of people and goods in this era (1850s-1950s) has evolved in so many different ways.  And the modes of transportation we take for granted today in most cases didn’t exist in their present forms before this time.

My Stories

If you like this topic, you will have an opportunity to learn about the inventions, early adopters, and promoters of new ways of transportation as well as historical accounts about important places in the US where critical components of America’s emergent transportation system came to be.